From 1911 till the mid-1930's, Princess Der Ling wrote eight books and numerous articles, most of them about her life
as a Westernized Chinese woman in China and about how, in the West, she negotiated the disappearance of the world of
emperors and empresses on the outer fringes of which she had been bred and in which, during that world's final moments, she
had lived.
She was a born educator who, for all her habits of exaggeration, devoted immense energy to opening dialogues between
East and West, cultures she believed were less separate and different from each other than their respective citizens knew
or acknowledged.
Ling's books
Two Years in the Forbidden City, Moffat
Yard & Co. NY 1911
Old Buddha, Dodd Mead & Co. NY 1928
Kow Tow, Dodd Mead & Co. NY 1929
Lotos Petals, Dodd Mead & Co. NY 1930
Jades and Dragons, The Mohawk Press NY 1932
Golden Phoenix, Dodd Meadd & Co NY 1932
Imperial Incense, Dodd Mead & Co. NY 1933
Son of Heaven, Appleton/Century NY 1935